Mushrooms (2022) A short file about the cycle of life and death and the concept of time. Featuring actress Laura Dromerick and music from Nurse With Wound - Spiral Insana.

SleapingDreaming - Ring of Fireflies (2020) Official music video. Directed, choreographed and shot by Xing Xu. Working with light and shadow as the film transitions from day to night, exploring power of integrating opposing forces.

Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Black Helicopter | Drugs in Tokyo (2019) From the song East Hastings on album (F#A#∞). A tribute video to the pioneers of post rock. Original and stock footage was used to create this video in the style of F#A#∞’s album art.


Death of a Monarch. A semi still life.

SleapingDreaming - Betrothed (2019)

NIN - A Warm Place (2019) Song from the album Downward Spiral. Made with original footage and timelapse mold footage from BBC.

2019: A Compilation of Modern Life. Video compilation from various Youtube and Vimeo creators.